Minimalist March!

by Angela

When we consider topics for our log, there are so many things we can cover. If there is something you would like to see, let us know!  One evergreen topic we know  you appreciate is recycling. Keep an eye out for our post spring break newsletter where we take a deep dive on that popular topic.

This week also officially brought spring! While the colder temperatures this week didn’t feel very spring-like, there’s just something about the start of spring that makes us yearn for fresh starts. Many of us might think of spring cleaning as a great time to purge. However, here at Go Green Glen Ellyn, we are hoping to shift that thought process to more of a minimalist or “think before you buy” mindset. Thus, welcome to "Minimalist March!" Read on for tips to help you simplify!

Minimalism encourages and helps to simplify your life. Plus, one of the kindest things you can do for the Earth is to create less waste (if you haven't noticed, we are drowning in it!). A more minimalist lifestyle promotes sustainability by reducing consumption and prompting you to think more deeply about your wants and needs.  Sounds great, right? Below are a few tips for getting started.

Pre-cycle:  Ask yourself, “do I really need this?” 

If you don't buy it in the first place, you don't have to recycle or dispose of it. When you don't add to cart, you Pre-cycle! Before you swipe your credit card, ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” or implement a 48-hour rule for non-essential purchases. Leave it be and see if it still beckons in a few days. Every item has a 'price' beyond what you pay.

For example, consider the life cycle and the environmental footprint of a simple cotton T-shirt. “The energy needed starts with operating farm equipment to plant seeds, synthesizing/distributing pesticides used to protect the crop from insects, harvesting and processing the cotton, transporting the compressed staple fiber, spinning the fiber, weaving it into fabric, shipping it to a garment manufacturer, sewing the fabric into clothing and transporting the shirt to point of sale,” says Audra Isadora Bardsley, a lecturer for USC environmental studies program. 

Plus, the plastic packaging that accompanies many items accounts for almost half of all single use plastics. Plastic packaging is varied in its design which makes it difficult to recycle, meaning it is likely to end up in a landfill.

Pause before clicking

The pandemic has changed the way the world shops, moving more commerce online. Wanting a single item delivered to your door quickly raises your carbon footprint due to the additional packaging mentioned above and the extra trips a diesel powered delivery truck needs to make to your door. Plus the average return rate for online purchases is 20- 30% -- which is three times the rate of something bought in-store! Unfortunately, when many items are returned they get landfilled, adding exponentially to waste and reducing re-use. 

Use up the things you already have 

Many of us have product graveyards - products just sitting in cabinets in our homes - everything from hair, make up, body care, cleaning products…the list goes on and on.  Use up the things you already have - you will be shocked how long these will last you.

Re-use, borrow and thrift!

Another great habit of exploring the path to a more minimal way of living is learning to be a great re-user. Save packaging to reuse for other things. Learn to repair and fix things rather than replace them. Use old clothing for rags or glass jars for storing leftovers. Get creative to find ways you can reuse something you already have rather than buy something new.

Borrowing is a great way to own less.  If your neighbor has a wonderful beverage dispenser, ask to borrow his/hers before you have a party. Instead of buying books, go to your local library. Have a special event where you need something fancy?  There are many great clothes sharing websites so that your closet doesn’t get overwhelmed with clothes you will only wear once. Shopping at thrift or second-hand stores is another great way to conserve. 

Buy experiences, not things

Becoming minimalist doesn’t mean you’ll never spend money again. Prioritize spending on experiences rather than material goods. Travel, concerts, meals with loved ones—these create memories and joy without the environmental expense of product production. 

Things to do!

Minimalism and environmental sustainability intersect through mindful habits that require you to pause and think before taking action — or driving to the store. It reminds you that life is much more than stuff and challenges you to use what the planet provides more wisely.

In addition to being better for the environment, there are a lot of other reasons why a minimalist lifestyle is beneficial.  Check out this article with more info.

When you do shop, consider supporting sustainable companies by shopping a B-Corp! (see below)


March is also B Corp Month!  What is B corp?

  B corp began in 2006 with the idea that a different kind of economy was not only possible, but necessary — and that business could lead the way towards a new, stakeholder-driven model. B Lab became known for certifying B Corporations, which are companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.  Companies equally value people, profit, and planet.

Some of our favorite B corps:

Apparel: Allbirds, Cotopaxi, Patagonia, Athleta

Cleaning products: Blueland, Meliora, Grove Collaborative  

Personal care:  Suri (electric toothbrushes), Innersense (haircare), Beautycounter (full disclosure, Jac is a rep! She went to DC with Beautycounter 2 years ago to advocate for better health protective laws in personal care products),

Food and Drink: So Delicious (ice cream and yogurt), Allagash Brewing, New Belgium Brewing, King Arthur Baking Co., Cabot Creamery, Charles Heisdieck (champagne!)

This and that: Flowers for Dreams (florist), Pela (compostable phone cases!) 4ocean (ocean cleanup organization that also makes bracelets), Apolis (customizable market bags, makes a great gift!), ChicoBags (reusable bags), U-Konserve (stainless steel lunchboxes), Mpowered (solar powered lights), Packed with Purpose (gift boxes)
Do you have a favorite B-corp product? Let us know!


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